
sat through a lecture on this the other day.... one of the partners at my firm talked for an hour and a half on the first design competition that SOM did with SANAA for the world trade center site. most of the projects presented were pretty terrible or at least underthought or overly narrative or something (granted i doubt very much i could have done any better or ever will.... ) but there was one image shown that i liked alot simply cause i hate it's alternative soooo much.

This is the SOM train terminal design. huge area that feels delightfully preston scott cohen with a dash of pure som simplicity and "down-to-earthness".
Compare this to first THINK group's (Shigeru Ban, Rafael Vinoly, Frederic Schwartz, Ken Smith) Boring....

doesn't really inspire any imagination or anything...

then there is this monstrosity. jeez i hate this guy so much.

man, i am so pessimistic.

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